P.O. Box 1041

                                                                                                Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-1041

                                                                                                Telephone: 412-561-7876

                                                                                                Electronic Mail: < gawalsh@planetarium.cc >

                                                                                                Internet Web Site: < http://www.planetarium.cc >

                                                                                                2007 October 31


Mr. Stephen G. Bland, Chief Executive Officer

Port Authority of Allegheny County

Heinz 57 Center/Gimbels Landmark Building

345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2527


RE: Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law Request—SECOND ATTEMPT !!!


Dear Steve:


Exactly two months ago, I mailed to you a Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law Request (copy of letter attached). According to the green certified-mail reply-card, this letter was received by your office on September 4.


According to a 2002 amendment to the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, non-Commonwealth agencies are required to respond to such requests within “five business days from the date the written request is RECEIVED by the non-Commonwealth agency head or other person designated in the rules established by the non-Commonwealth agency for receiving such requests.”


I am quite surprised by the complete non-response of your office. Although I had several disagreements with former Port Authority Chief Executive Officer Paul Skoutelas, I did receive a timely response from his office for my Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law request of 2004 April 2. In fact, Jason Fincke even telephoned me to clarify exactly the information I needed.


I am sure that it is always the intention of the Port Authority of Allegheny County to comply with State law. So, I am repeating my request for information from your office, under terms of the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law [Act of June 21, 1957, P.L. 390, No. 212, 60 P.S. 66.1 et seq., as amended, for the following information.


1)  Ridership level statistics (this could come from, what has been referred to as, the “Rainbow Report”) for the two (Note: there are only two such runs) weekday afternoon Light Rail Transit runs from Penn Station to South Hills Village via Beechview, Dormont, and Mount Lebanon (I believe this route is referred to as 42P Penn Station to South Hills Village), for the last five fiscal years (i.e. Fiscal Years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007).


2) Staff justification for the elimination of all rail service on, what is known as, the Penn Station Line (i.e. Light Rail Transit line from Penn Station to Steel Plaza).


3) Port Authority’s future plans for the Penn Station Line (i.e. Light Rail Transit line from Penn Station to Steel Plaza) and the Light Rail Transit station at Penn Station.


4) Port Authority’s future plans for the seven-track, Mid-Day Rail Car Storage Yard (i.e. five stub tracks and a loop track originally designed for PCC streetcars that can now serve as two additional storage tracks), which was constructed in the late 1980s and since that time has never been utilized for its intended purpose (or for any other purpose for that matter) !



                                                ( More – Page 2 )


Mr. Stephen G. Bland                          2007 October 31                    Page 2 of 2




If it would be more convenient and reduce postage costs for the Port Authority, I would be happy to receive this information by electronic mail; you may use the electronic mail address on the first page.


Sincerely yours,





Glenn A. Walsh




Attachment:          Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law Request of 2007 August 31


Copy:     Members of the Board of Directors, Port Authority of Allegheny County

                Barbara Simpson, President, Allegheny County Transit Council

                Dan Onorato, Chief Executive, County of Allegheny

                Members, County Council, County of Allegheny