Table S-1

Study Area Goals and Objectives

Accessibility Mobility Goal


Improve transportation access to and within the North Shore Connector Study Area

(refined from Major Investment Study)

1. Provide accessible and sufficient transit service for events held at the new ballpark, new stadium, Cultural District theaters, and expanded convention center.

2. Provide convenient and readily identifiable transit connections between the North Shore, Cultural District, Near Strip, and other downtown-area attractions and hotels.

3. Improve the linkage between North Shore fringe parking lots and the employment centers in the Golden Triangle.

4. Reduce the reliance on the automobile for intra-study-area trips.

5. Improve reverse-commuting opportunities.

6. Improve intermodal connections within the study area.

7. Provide convenient service from the region to activities

within the study area.

8. Provide convenient pedestrian connections between the

stations/stops and activities.