
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 08:48:01 -0700 (PDT)


"Glenn A. Walsh" <>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book


Re: MMVTA Proposed Route Changes/Public Hearing


"Marc Roncone" <>


Send an Instant Message "Samuel Hurst" <>, "Nathan Champine" <>, "Richard LeGrande" <>, "Ed McGrath" <>, "Jon Smith" <>, "Stu Strickland" <>, "Glenn A. Walsh" <>, "Myron Fisher" <>, Send an Instant Message "Lisa Hurst" <>


This message is in response to the following notice
you issued on 2004 May 28:
--- Marc Roncone <> wrote:
> From: "Marc Roncone" <>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> Subject: Proposed Route Changes/Public Hearing
> and Memorial Day service
> Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 09:41:52 -0400
> Dear Riders:
> The Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority will hold
> two public hearings on proposed service
> changes/eliminations on Wednesday, June 16 at
> the Transit Center, 1300 McKean Avenue,
> Charleroi, PA 15022, at 11:45 a.m. and 5:45
> p.m.
> Individuals wishing to testify at these
> hearings are encouraged to pre-register by
> contacting the Authority at 724-489-0880, (Fax
> (724) 489-0750), or 
> Oral testimony will be limited to three (3)
> minutes per speaker.  Persons, who have not
> pre-registered, can register to speak at the
> hearing and will be called on to speak as time
> slots become available.  Individuals may also
> testify in writing and should mail or e-mail
> their comments to the Mid Mon Valley Transit
> Authority at the information indicated above. 
> The deadline for receipt of written comments is
> June 15 at 4:00 p.m.
I doubt I will be able to testify in person regarding
this matter. Please register the following as my
official written testimony for the 2004 June 16 public
My testimony is in regards to Proposal Number 1:
> 1. Proposing to reduce trips to and from
> Pittsburgh on Route A 
> (Charleroi - Pittsburgh) on Saturdays from 28
> trips per Saturday to 12 trips per Saturday.
Every time transit service is reduced into Pittsburgh,
the southwestern Pennsylvania region is further
divided. Even more importantly, this will continue the
downward spiral of public transporation in this
Commonwealth. As public transit becomes less
convenient and user friendly, people abandon the
public transit service for motor vehicles--and, in
some cases, the trip is not taken, which reduces the
economic viability of the entire region.
One way to preserve these trips might be to have all
weekend and holiday trips terminate at the new Library
light rail station [or the West Library Station, if
this is deemed more convenient], instead of the MMVT
bus going all the way into Pittsburgh. This way,
riders could transfer to and from the new "high-speed"
47-L Library via Overbrook line.
Then, since the MMVT bus does not have to waste time 
and fuel traveling all the way into Pittsburgh, it
could return to the Mid-Mon Valley for another run.
This would provide greater efficiency and,
particularly with the recent opening of the new
"high-speed" Overbrook rail line, would not
appreciably diminish service to the customer [in fact,
Mid-Mon Valley customers may actually see an
improvement in service--PROVIDED that connections
between the bus and rail lines are CONVENIENT AND
Of course, this would mean that there would have to be
some type of formalized system of paper transfers [and
agreement to accept pre-paid fare instruments (passes
and tickets)] between Port Authority and MMVTA. I had
heard that all regional transit authorities had been
working on some type of system of transfers between
different authority transit services. If this has not
yet been formalized between the Port Authority and
MMVTA, then this is certainly the right time to
complete formalization of a transfer system between
the two transit agencies.
Glenn A. Walsh
P.O. Box 1041
Pittsburgh PA 15230-1041 U.S.A.
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