Andrew Carnegie
Free Library
Carnegie, Pennsylvania
Library Public Hours of Operation
Library's Discount Bookstore, Located
on Lower Level of Library,
Open Same Hours as Library.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Prevailing Time [12:00 to 20:00 Eastern
***Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day:
12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m. Prevailing Time
[12:00 to 17:00 Eastern Time]
***Thanksgiving Day(Fourth Thursday in November): CLOSED
12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m. Prevailing Time [12:00 to
17:00 Eastern Time]
***Good Friday(Friday before Easter Sunday): CLOSED
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Prevailing Time [10:00 to
16:00 Eastern Time]
***Saturdays in the Summer(Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day
weekend) -
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Prevailing Time [10:00 to 14:00
Eastern Time]
***Closed: Saturdays before Memorial Day[Decoration Day]
and Labor Day.
Sunday and Monday:
Holidays Closed:
New Year's Day(Jan. 1), Good
Friday(Friday before Easter Sunday),
Independence Day(July 4), Veterans' Day[Armistice Day](Nov. 11),
Thanksgiving Day(fourth Thursday of November), Christmas Eve(Dec. 24),
Christmas Day(Dec. 25), New Year's Eve(Dec. 31).
ALSO CLOSED Saturdays in the Memorial Day and Labor Day
To be completed 15 minutes before Library closing:
- Check-out of books, videos, and other materials;
- Acquiring or renewing free, county-wide library card;
- Use of public photocopy machine, computers, microfilm and microfiche
readers, typewriter. and fax machine.
Children's Storytimes at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library
Wednesday Evenings - 6:30 p.m. Prevailing Time(18:30 Eastern Time)
Thursday Afternoons - 1:00 p.m. Prevailing Time(13:00 Eastern Time)
Civil War Museum of the Andrew Carnegie Free Library
here for information about the Captain
Thomas Espy Post No. 153,
Grand Army of the Republic.
here for Public Visiting Hours.
Meetings of the Andrew Carnegie Free Library Board of Trustees
Annual Meeting in March of each year -
Last Tuesday of March, 7:00 p.m. Prevailing Time(19:00 Eastern
Monthly Meetings -
Last Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Prevailing Time(19:00
Eastern Time)
Location - Andrew Carnegie Free Library
All meetings of the Board of Trustees(except Executive Sessions) are open
to the public.
Previously included at the end of the meeting agenda, a public comment
period is now included at the
beginning of the meeting agenda, per the December 14, 1998
implementation of an amendment to the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.
Funding for the Andrew Carnegie Free Library is provided by:
* The Borough of Carnegie, through an annual appropriation of the Borough
* The Allegheny Regional
Asset District,
from the one percent sales and use tax levied in Allegheny
* The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
through an annual appropriation from Commonwealth
* AND the generous donations given by individuals, non-profit
organizations, and businesses,
in Carnegie and the Chartiers Valley.
Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall
300 Beechwood Avenue
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106-2699
Telephone: (412) 276-3456 ************ Telefacsimile: (412) 276-9472
Internet - World Wide Web Site:
The precise Eastern Time, from the U.S. Naval Observatory:

The precise Eastern Time, from the U.S. Naval
Observatory Master Clock:

*** Click on the Refresh button, of your browser, to obtain precise time.
*** "0" hour is the hour from 12:00 Midnight to 12:59 in the ante-meridian (i.e. morning, the "a.m.").
*** "12" hour is the hour from 12:00 Noon to 12:59 in the post-meridian (i.e. afternoon, the "p.m.").
*** When the hour displayed is "13" through "23", subtract the number 12 from the hour displayed to obtain the correct hour in the post-meridian (i.e. afternoon or evening, the "p.m.").
*** Time displayed:
- Standard Time (ST) from last Sunday in October, 2:00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time, until first Sunday in April, 2:00 a.m. Standard Time.
- Daylight Saving Time (DST) from first Sunday in April, 2:00 a.m. Standard Time, until last Sunday in October, 2:00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time.
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Andrew Carnegie Free Library.
History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries